#vernonfrancois #Repost @directher
#vernonfrancois #Repost @directher ・・・ The lovely photographer @kwakualston just sent me this long-lost shot from our @Essence cover photo shoot earlier this year. One of the best shoots I've ever...

#vernonfrancois This moment is everything.
#vernonfrancois This moment is everything. Loose waves #locs with a #braids @directher for @essence #photography @kwakualston @porschefabulous #hair #vernonfrancois #style @jasonbolden

#vernonfrancois #Repost @directher
#vernonfrancois #Repost @directher ・・・ The lovely photographer @kwakualston just sent me this long-lost shot from our @Essence cover photo shoot earlier this year. One of the best shoots I've ever had because of Kwaku, plus the dynamic trio of @jasonbolden @vernonfrancois and @porschefabulous. And because @essence! Thankful! xo

#vernonfrancois This moment is e...
#vernonfrancois This moment is everything. Loose waves #locs with a #braids @directher for @essence #photography @kwakualston @porschefabulous #hair #vernonfrancois #style @jasonbolden