#vernonfrancois #Repost @lovingthefilm

#vernonfrancois #Repost @lovingthefilm ・・・ #Repost from @lestudiophoto: #theedge 🎸 #ruthnegga 🎭 @lovingthefilm #specialscreening 📸 @lestudiophoto #thisisloving #hair #shorthair #la #vernonfrancois

#vernonfrancois #Repost @nytimes

vernonfrancois #Repost @nytimes ・・・ “A drama with hushed reverence of certain documentaries needs acting that speaks even when the character doesn’t. Ruth Negga practices a kind of melancholy decorum, keeping...

#vernonfrancois #BTS with #Ruthnegga in #Irelan...

#vernonfrancois #BTS with #Ruthnegga in #Ireland 🇮🇪 for @lovingthefilm #oscar #love #bw #beauty #hair #vernonfrancois

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @joeledgerton for ...

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @joeledgerton for @latimes #makeup @melaniemakeup #stylist @karlawelchstylist #hair #vernonfrancois #curls #la @lovingthefilm #love

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @joeledgerton for ...

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @joeledgerton for @newyorkermag #makeup @melaniemakeup #stylist @karlawelchstylist #hair #vernonfrancois #beautiful #love #loving @lovingthefilm #texture

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga & #JoelEdgerton for ...

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga & #JoelEdgerton for @lovingthefilm

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga in #SoniaRykiel for ...

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga in #SoniaRykiel for @lovingthefilm press.. @karlawelchstylist #makeup @melaniemakeup #hair #vernonfrancois #texturedhair #curlyhair #shorthair #nyc

#vernonfrancoisLoving in #nyc @lovingthefilm #r...

#vernonfrancois Loving in #nyc @lovingthefilm #ruthnegga @melaniemakeup @kawachouttt #vernonfrancois #fun #hair #makeup #love

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga for @lovingthefilm A...

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga for @lovingthefilm Absolutely beautiful movie. #hair #vernonfrancois #makeup @melaniemakeup #stylist @karlawelchstylist #curls #la #love @jedroot

#vernonfrancois #Repost @lovingt...

#vernonfrancois #Repost @lovingthefilm ・・・ #Repost from @lestudiophoto: #theedge 🎸 #ruthnegga 🎭 @lovingthefilm #specialscreening 📸 @lestudiophoto #thisisloving #hair #shorthair #la #vernonfrancois

#vernonfrancois #Repost @nytimes

vernonfrancois #Repost @nytimes ・・・ “A drama with hushed reverence of certain documentaries needs acting that speaks even when the character doesn’t. Ruth Negga practices a kind of melancholy decorum, keeping Mildred Loving’s hope and despair like a secret.” — @nytimes critic Wesley Morris on #RuthNegga, who stars in @lovingthefilm. 🎬...

#vernonfrancois #BTS with #Ruthn...

#vernonfrancois #BTS with #Ruthnegga in #Ireland 🇮🇪 for @lovingthefilm #oscar #love #bw #beauty #hair #vernonfrancois

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @jo...

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @joeledgerton for @latimes #makeup @melaniemakeup #stylist @karlawelchstylist #hair #vernonfrancois #curls #la @lovingthefilm #love

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @jo...

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga & @joeledgerton for @newyorkermag #makeup @melaniemakeup #stylist @karlawelchstylist #hair #vernonfrancois #beautiful #love #loving @lovingthefilm #texture

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga & #Jo...

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga & #JoelEdgerton for @lovingthefilm

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga in #S...

#vernonfrancois #ruthnegga in #SoniaRykiel for @lovingthefilm press.. @karlawelchstylist #makeup @melaniemakeup #hair #vernonfrancois #texturedhair #curlyhair #shorthair #nyc

#vernonfrancoisLoving in #nyc @l...

#vernonfrancois Loving in #nyc @lovingthefilm #ruthnegga @melaniemakeup @kawachouttt #vernonfrancois #fun #hair #makeup #love

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga for @...

#vernonfrancois #RuthNegga for @lovingthefilm Absolutely beautiful movie. #hair #vernonfrancois #makeup @melaniemakeup #stylist @karlawelchstylist #curls #la #love @jedroot