#vernonfrancois 1yr today. ❤️❤️❤️ #Repost

#vernonfrancois 1yr today. ❤️❤️❤️ #Repost @mrmulholland
This post is to mark the occasion of Vernon's brand launching a year ago today. What a rollercoaster. It’s all the result of absolute teamwork and inconceivable graft. We’ve been extremely fortunate to be surrounded not just by our incredible colleagues and partners (I can't tag you all) but also those peers, friends, clients and family who have been there on the days when we've needed picked up emotionally. Lol. I cannot fathom what the team has delivered in a year – launches in three markets, a partnership with Sephora in the US and Canada, a partnership with Net A Porter globally, unbelievable support from titles like Teen Vogue ( @elainewelteroth ) and Essence ( @missjulee ) with more, more and more to come... What keeps us all going are notes that come into the VF social media channels from people who Vernon's message has really touched. Those notes are what makes the long hours, stress and graft worth it. @sephora @netaporter @vernonfrancois @vernonfrancoishair #curlconversation #curlyhair #vernonfrancois #texturedhair #curls #locs #braids #excellence
This post is to mark the occasion of Vernon's brand launching a year ago today. What a rollercoaster. It’s all the result of absolute teamwork and inconceivable graft. We’ve been extremely fortunate to be surrounded not just by our incredible colleagues and partners (I can't tag you all) but also those peers, friends, clients and family who have been there on the days when we've needed picked up emotionally. Lol. I cannot fathom what the team has delivered in a year – launches in three markets, a partnership with Sephora in the US and Canada, a partnership with Net A Porter globally, unbelievable support from titles like Teen Vogue ( @elainewelteroth ) and Essence ( @missjulee ) with more, more and more to come... What keeps us all going are notes that come into the VF social media channels from people who Vernon's message has really touched. Those notes are what makes the long hours, stress and graft worth it. @sephora @netaporter @vernonfrancois @vernonfrancoishair #curlconversation #curlyhair #vernonfrancois #texturedhair #curls #locs #braids #excellence
- 13/09/2017